Monday, October 25, 2010


“Let’s face it – men and boys just have different brains from women and girls” is this neuromith? The text “Brain and Learning” state that there are functional and morphological differences between the male and female brain, but that no study to date has shown gender-specific processes involved in building up neuronal networks during learning. Then the terms “feminine brain” and “masculine brain” refer to “ways of being” described in cognitive terms rather than to any biological reality. Baron-Cohen employs the terms “masculine and feminine brain” to refer to particular cognitive profiles, which is unfortunate choice of terminology if it contributes to distorted ideas concerning the workings of the brain.

In my opinion, I think that for the population in general this neuromith is true, because the majority of the people unknown the biological basis of the subject, and the text “Brain and Learning” have a lot of reason in that phrases as Why men don’t listen and women can’t read maps have become popular reading, or in the case of Chile, popular phrases, because is usual hear people say them when a men doesn’t listen well, for example, or when a women is drive badly. For me personally, this neuromith it is not true, because at least in the signatures that I had studied, we never have established physiological differences between male and female brain, besides that I don’t know studies that prove true differences biological between men and women, for this reason I am totally agree with the text “Brain and Learning”.

I think it would be nice if this literature (as “Brain and Learning”) became more know to the public, because then people would not believe things that are not true. Although I think too, that it would be very interesting that it carry out researches about the processes biological really involved in the differences gender-specific (men are more methodical, women more communicators), like the building up neuronal networks during learning in girls and boys, because it would help resolve all these doubts that exist today. But while this does not happen, always will be present the doubt of: there is really a male or female brain?

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