Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A healthy life style, is it possible? How?

I think that a healthy life style is totally possible, but for this is necessary it carry out a series of activities, because a healthy life style involve a lot of aspects as the diet, to exercise and tobacco. But, for the peoples have a healthy life, its necessary to educate the population, and we as health’s professionals have a roll very important because we will assist a number important of persons, and the great majority will be women that can pass on this habits in your family.

How is possible a healthy life style?

Beginning for the diet, a healthy person should eat minimum 3 serving of vegetables for day, 3 dairy for day, legumes twice a week, fish twice a week and consume no more of 5 grams of salt, too. And of course, avoid consume of fatty foods, a person that lives off a diet of fatty foods is nothing healthy.

All the previous, its due add to exercise for be in a good physical state (this involve a healthy life style). For example, execute half hour of aerobics exercise at least 3 times at week and walk at least half hour all the days. If the people be excuse speaking that don’t have time, its can give alternatives, as that they walk up the stairs of subway, instead of it walk up by the escalator and that besides they get off the small bus one or two blocks before that it arrive at their homes.

For other side, we should take in count the tobacco, a lot of people smoke nowadays, and this is not good for the health, the tobacco a long period can cause lung cancer, a disease very terrible for a person. For this reason the best option it is does not smoke. A person that not smoke take a bet stapes in her life with respect a her health, because if the tobacco do not produce cancer can produce many respiratory diseases, too. Although smoke 2 or 3 times for week can be harmful, it’s not advisable, it not smoke is the better option.

If the people carry out all this advices, they will achieve be completely healthy.

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