Saturday, October 30, 2010

Who say Stress = University?

Often the university can be stressful, in periods of biggest tests, exams, or in moments of many works. This is frequently in end of semester in the majority of the students, but in my case and of my classmates, we are always stressed!! Every day, every week, EVERY THE SEMESTER!!! This is horrible DX

I don’t have time for nothing! I don’t can see my friends; I don’t have time for to go at party, because I fall asleep anywhere, anytime, in class, in the metro and in the micro… and all for staying up late studying, we have minimum three tests each week and class all the day, then this is very tiring, so how we can avoid that these occur??

Well, when I am very tiring I don’t think in nothing, I only have head for study and if I don’t can study, I collapse, and which this happen it don’t help me, neither my study nor to my person, because I am sensitive and I cry for anything. So, when I know that I will have a lot of tests or works, I prevent think in that I am against the time and I plan all my signatures to study early, then this way I stress less. However, I think that this doesn’t sufficient and it’s necessary to take other precautions, because now that I am less stress, I can think best solutions for this problem, for example, it study is more easy in group, always it’s necessary it have a break (each two hours as suggestion) and is bad to sleep few hours, then it is fundamental the time well spent.

Is good, too, it do the favorites sports or hobbies, because is true that a stressed person think that doesn’t have time for these things, but this is big error, because with a good organization all is possible, and the best of it do these things, is the energy that it be gain for it can study good, because if I know that I had time to relax I can study better.

Then the message is:

Always there is time for all!!

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