Friday, November 19, 2010

My expierence learning english

Well, this is my last blog the year and I will talk about my experience learning English in the University. I began English the past year and this is my third semester learning English. The first semester don’t was very difficult, but in the second semester the difficult increase enough, but I prepare my presentations, I read all the text, I did my blogs and I could go to next level.

This semester, and the last level of English, the true is that I don’t liked for nothing, although never I like 100% English, because I feel that the methodology is don’t better for me, I feel that I learn at snail’s pace. Besides, this semester I was with students who went directly to level IV, then they known to more than me, they spook better, they understood more things… and the majority of the classes were in conversational in English, then this, furthermore I don’t always was able to respond to Professor, made many times I almost cried out of classes. I think that this semester this English course don’t was a good experience for me, because although I have advanced in three semesters, this time in particular I feel very angry because I can’t do anything to raise a little my English’s level, and I want to learn but I don’t can, so for this reason to much days I am discourage, specially after listening, or I haven’t desire to do anything else because it frustrates me to know I’m wrong in something and I can’t do anything against it.

This is horrible for me; however, I know I stay in the University and that it’s not all easy, so I hope to be able to find some good teaching of this, but this last semester particularly, because I know, too, that my level’s English is better that when I begun this course the past year, but regrettably it’s not of a level IV.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Golden Wedding Anniversary

Who don’t like to be 50 years with the love of your life? I think this is something that everyone dreams; it gets a family, sharing good and bad times, it lives a lot years with a special person… sounds good, but it don’t all can live fifty years with your couple, for problems or death of the person, for example. So, it celebrate 50 years of marriage is a privilege for who achieve it, and this is a privilege that my grandparents had fifteen years ago, I was 6 years old, but I remember very well this special moment for my family and of this I will speak now.

My grandparents (parents of my mom) lived in Peralillo (VI region, Chile), a quiet and very small village, so obviously, the celebration of their Golden Wedding had to be in that place. They had 11 children, so my family only for side of my mom is enormous; and although the Golden Wedding of my grandparents would be a family celebration more private, few people would not participate xD.

This celebration it was realized on October 7th, 1995 in my grandparents’ home, the idea it was to do the ceremony in a parish church, but about of 1 month before, my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer and it doesn´t had cure, for this reason her healthy was deteriorating rapidly, then for a ceremony more quiet, my family decided realized at home.

Fortunately, for the celebration my grandmother was well, and everything was very nice, it was really an exciting ceremony, and when finished, it began family photos, first only my grandparents, next they with their sons and daughters, then they with their grandchildren, later with the guests, and so photos with all. When the photographs’ session finish, it be began to serve the dinner.

The Golden Wedding of my grandparents is the best memory of family that I have.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dunes of Concón

Today I will speak about of my long weekend in Viña del Mar, because I knew a place very beautiful and that I don’t know that existed. This place is the dunes the Concón, are located to 15 minutes of Viña del Mar and you can arrive in micro from Marina Arauco Mall square and it’s don’t expensive, besides when you arrive a Concón, you get off of the micro, cross the street and are on dunes, it arrive is very easy!
The Dunes are like mountains, but of sand, then it is easier climb to the top and if you fall, it doesn’t matter because there is just sand and the worst that can happen is losing your balance, rolling off and everyone laugh of you, so the probability of you damage is practically zero and a fall can to become very funny. At least I and my friends reach the top without problems, when I was on top of a dune I felt the sensation of being in the dessert, the view is wonderful, and from the top you can see all the huge sand dunes and the sea.
If you like the sport, is a great opportunity of tester something new, because in this place you can do “Sandboard”, a sport very entertainment and exciting that consist in this: you have to slip dune down, standing in a board, like it surfing dune down, without fall you, of course. And if you don’t have board don’t worry because next to the dunes it rent out boards for only $500 the hour. My friends was fascinated with a board that other friend brought, but I don’t slip me standing because I give fear, but I slip sitting that for me, it was equal of exciting!
Dunes of Concón I recommend it of anyway, because it’s a beautiful place for it know and it has a good time for a day.