Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Portable Keyboard ♥

Today I will speak about my favorite piece of technologic: Portable Keyboard.

I choose this piece because I love this instrument, I like much the music and I play guitar too, but the grand piano is fascinate for me and it’s hardly impossible to have a grand piano, it’s very expensive and very large, although I dream with have a piano some day. For this reason I love the keyboard!! I have a portable keyboard since 4 years ago because my father gave me for my birthday.

My keyboard is a Yamaha PSR E-303 and is very useful, is a valuable keyboard to learn and to practice in a simple way, getting a sound of great quality that it allows me to get the natural sound of a Grand Piano with touch response (I love this =p).

At the moment my keyboard is in my home in San Fernando, then I play the weekends, when I travel, but I don’t like this because I am learning to play keyboard and this way I don't advance much.

If I didn’t have it I would feel that I’m missing something, because to play keyboard helps me to liberate my emotions a lot, for that reason my objective is to learn how to read scores to the perfection =)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Career :D

In this opportunity I’ll write about mi career: Midwifery, but I didn’t always want study that.

I never had clear what wanted to study, however, when I was growing, I opted to study biochemistry, then when I postulated at university, I loved the chemical, the experiments and the science, and I dreamt with go to study the foreigner later, but I realized that I didn’t see me working all my life in a laboratory. Then I choose study midwifery because I like very much the contact with the people and can to help us, but in special I like the area of premature babies, because they are so defenceless and small that I would be happy to help them, for that reason I think that Midwifery is the perfect career for me, also, I love the obstetrics in general, I think that there is not nothing else pretty that to bring life to the world and help to facilitate this process to the future parents.

In the 1,5 years that I have been studying midwifery, the high number of caesarean have had an impact for me, because I don’t understand as the natural childbirth that is something so pretty , actually be so medicalized , then I would like promote the humanized delivery, too, and all the benefits that it brings to the mother and the newborn, because I think that reducing the number of caesarean is now a very important objective in the obstetrics, what doesn´t mean that I like more than neonatology :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Website about Neonatology

About of my career, I'm very interesting in neonatology's area, for that reason I searched a website of this topic, because I don't accustom to visite career related websites.
The link of my page of interest is www.curoservice.com and is a neonatology specialist website, where the people will find useful information about of neonatology. Is focus at healthcare professionals and parents, because when prematurity interrumpts the natural order of a pregnancy with little or no warning, parents are often in shock and confused.
This website has several sections, including two about Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS), their clinical features, physiopathology, epidemiology, risk factor and therapies, because it is a condition that occurs frequently in premature babies. Also have others sections about education in neonatology (news, clinical trials, case reports, congresses and events, amongst others), resources and links related to the topic.
Curoservice is a website very good by the information that provide, I would recommed this website as a whole to my classmates, if they are interested in the neonatology.